Recommended Reading
I have found these books to be very helpful
The Havanese by Diane Klumb
$19.97 Buy the book here Information and advice to help you take good care of your Havanese The typical Havanese: its origins, anatomy, physical traits, temperament, and more Expert advice: feeding, health care, training, grooming, exercise, and play activities Understanding your Havanese: his body language, voice, and other ways of communicating with you Step-by-step directions for everyday care of your dog Informative checklists and sidebars Handsome full-color photos |
Pawprints - The Joys of Life With a Havanese Puppy by Suzanne McKay (great before you get your puppy)
$16.95 Buy the book here About the book: General all-breed puppy guides can't tell you about all the little quirks and idiosyncrasies that make the Havanese so special and unique. Only a breeder or owner really knows first-hand what its like to raise a Havanese. Based on the award winning toy dog guide "Woofs, Wiggles and Wags", Pawprints is a comprehensive guide to owning and raising one of these delightful little charmers. A valuable resource for first-time Havanese owners, and perfect for breeders to include in puppy packs. Pawprints gets you and your Havanese puppy started off on the right foot. What's inside
From Nose to Tail: A grooming Handbook from the Havanese Fanciers of Canada
$34.95 (US) $24.95 (Canada) Buy the book here About the Book New Colour Edition - Spring 2015 Written in a simple, easy-to-read format. Included is step-by-step information and instruction on grooming the Havanese and other long haired dogs, from line brushing to bathing to paw trimming and many more topics.
Fully Illustrated in Colour with over 300 photos and diagrams. Spiral bound format for easy reference. The grooming handbook of The Havanese Fanciers of Canada FROM NOSE TO TAIL is a handy resource for all your grooming questions. Dog Writers Association of America Award-nominated and Publishers Best-Seller. NOW IN COLOUR! New colour edition available April 2015. |
While at the Havanese Nationals in August of 2013, I went to a seminar on puppy training. I was very impressed with a program by Windy Willows that gets the whole family involved in training and makes things so much easier. You can learn about the program at or email at [email protected].
Again, if you have a question, please ask. I will try to answer it the best I can. If I don't know the answer, I will try to find out the answer by asking others. Remember, there are NO dumb questions!
Again, if you have a question, please ask. I will try to answer it the best I can. If I don't know the answer, I will try to find out the answer by asking others. Remember, there are NO dumb questions!